Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I just wrote to my Senators

This is what I sent to Amy Klobuchar:

Dear Senator,

I am writing because I am very concerned about the upcoming vote on the FISA legislation. I am urging you to support Senator Feingold in his defense of the 4th amendment. Please take a principled stand to defend the constitution and prevent another erosion of rights that are clearly labeled as inalienable in the constitution. This is not just about the immunity for telecoms, which is a slap in the face to every law-abiding citizen, but this is about defending the constitution itself.

Please do not be swayed by the fear-mongering going on. Most Americans are not fooled by the rhetoric. Please take a principled stand and make me proud to call you my Senator.

With regards

This is what I sent to Norm Coleman:

Dear Senator,

I am writing because I am very concerned about the upcoming vote on the FISA legislation. I am urging you to support Senator Specter in his defense of the 4th amendment. Please take a principled stand to defend the constitution and prevent another erosion of rights that are clearly labeled as inalienable in the constitution. This is not just about the immunity for telecoms, which is a slap in the face to every law-abiding citizen, but this is about defending the constitution itself.

Please do not be a part of the failed fear-mongering campaign that has already hurt the party enough. Most Americans are not fooled by the rhetoric anymore. Please take a principled stand and make me proud to call you my Senator. You will easily beat Al Franken if you stand up for our freedoms.

With regards

1 comment:

sweet lis said...

Very eloquent and well put my dear. Hopefully you email is echoed by others and the message gets through the firewall of DC.