That is my opinion of the state of our country. While we may have a President that is smarter than the previous cowboy to sit in the Oval Office, those around Obama seem to be as incompetent as the flies that circled the manure on Dubya's boots. We have tax dodgers, lobbyists, hawks, and drug warriors rushing in to fill the positions vacated by the outgoing tax dodgers, lobbyists, hawks, and drug warriors of the last administration. WHERE IS THE CHANGE?? Not only is Obama NOT cutting defense spending (as erroneously reported by an idiot), he is increasing it by 40 BILLION over last year's amount.
The Michael Phelps scandal is more proof that our collective IQ is in Bush territory. Why is this such a big deal? Marijuana is less dangerous than aspirin, and it is a PLANT! It isn't a drug. Phelps should not apologize for having fun. If I won 8 gold medals in the Olympics, I would tell everyone that only the losers in government (and their media lapdogs) think Marijuana is dangerous. Winners know better.
How to Tell If the Police Are Investigating You
5 hours ago
1 comment:
Astitious is BACK and on a rant. I love it!! Now for the substantive comment . . . I was elated and optimistic that change was, indeed, coming to Washington when Obama hyper-drived his Executive order to close Gitmo. That, for me, was awesome and I am still hoping for more change on many fronts. I will admit that I am less than enthused about some of his cabinet picks, but here's how I am framing it up:
1) He is trying to cross party lines and reach a hand out to bring in other and differing points of view. I like this.
2) Given the state of politics today, there are really very few truly upstanding and blemish free politicians to choose from. What I'm saying is the man has a small set of options.
3) Anything is better than George W. Bottom line.
Who would you like to see in an Obama administration? Let's see some names and credentials and start a petition!!!
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